11.12.2004, 22:17
Auf die Schnelle konnte ich nur diesen Link finden (Wikipedia:evil: , allerdings englische Version)
Und ich habe nicht behauptet , dass Azaris ein persisches Volk sind , sondern ein iranisches Volk.
Persisch sind nur die Perser.
UND wie gesagt für mich zählt der kulturelle Aspekt mehr.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azerbaijanis">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azerbaijanis</a><!-- m -->
Auf die Schnelle konnte ich nur diesen Link finden (Wikipedia:evil: , allerdings englische Version)
Und ich habe nicht behauptet , dass Azaris ein persisches Volk sind , sondern ein iranisches Volk.
Persisch sind nur die Perser.
UND wie gesagt für mich zählt der kulturelle Aspekt mehr.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azerbaijanis">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azerbaijanis</a><!-- m -->
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Azerbaijanis, or "Azerbaijani Turks," are a Muslim people who number 12 to 21 million worldwide who live in the Republic of Azerbaijan and northwestern Iran. They also have sizeable communities in Turkey, Georgia Russia, USA, Canada, and Germany.
The Azerbaijanis are primaraly the descendants of Iranian Medes and ancient Sumerians. The last historical viewpoint is still very discussible. They speak in Turkic Azeri. Azeri language and Sumerian language (which is linguisically isolated) are not related.
Iranian origins
Most western and Azerbaijani historians consider the nation of Azerbaijani Turks the inheritants of ancient Iranian Medes.
They are also some other minor theories propagated by certain Pan-Turkist groups who regard them as descendants of various bodies of Turks, Scythians (Ishkuz), Cimmerians, Huns, Gokturks, Khazars, Barsils, Kurtugurs, Saragurs, Kipchaks and others.
Most of the character of Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijanis comes from their Iranian heritage.
According to the 1911 encyclopedia "the people of the Mada (Mata), the Medes, appear in history first in 836 B.C., when the Assyrian conqueror Shalmaneser II in his wars against the tribes of the Zagros received the tribute of the Amadai ....Herodotus gives a list of six Median tribes among them the Paraetaceni....names in the Assyrian inscriptions prove that the tribes in the Zagros and the northern parts of Media (Azerbaijan) were Iranian,