Südamerikas Luftwaffen
Leider gibts viele Meldungen aus Südamerika nur auf spanisch oder portugiesisch - deshalb:
kann das mal jemand übersetzen (portug.)?
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.midiaindependente.org/pt/blue/2006/01/342810.shtml">http://www.midiaindependente.org/pt/blu ... 2810.shtml</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:EUA vetam negócios da Embraer com o Irã
Por RICARDO BONALUME NETO, da Folha de S.Paulo 15/01/2006 às 11:22

A principal empresa aeroespacial brasileira também está impedida de vender aviões --mesmo civis-- para o Irã, um país que Washington coloca na lista dos malvados ou malvadinhos que incluía o Iraque e ainda tem a Coréia do Norte como estrela.
Não é só a Venezuela que aparece na lista negra dos americanos para venda de material militar --e de itens que fazem parte deles, o que potencialmente inviabilizaria a venda de aviões ao país vizinho pela Embraer. Esse também é o caso do Irã, a "bola da vez" da diplomacia americana.
O governo americano pode legalmente vetar exportações de materiais "sensíveis" para países por ele considerados idem. E isso inclui a reexportação do material, como um avião com um componente eletrônico americano.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://correiodobrasil.cidadeinternet.com.br/noticia.asp?c=100237">http://correiodobrasil.cidadeinternet.c ... p?c=100237</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Sábado, 4 de fevereiro de 2006

17 de janeiro / 2006 - 22h34

Chávez e a Embraer

Por Luiz Augusto Gollo - de Brasília

O obstáculo norte-americano à venda de aviões da Embraer à Venezuela não é a primeira nem muito provavelmente será a última intervenção indevida neste item tão delicado da pauta de exportações brasileiras.

Foi, aliás, o que o presidente Hugo Chávez deixou patente, dias atrás, ao denunciar o boicote de assistência técnica aos caças F-16 comprados pela Venezuela nos Estados Unidos há muitos anos: "Se temos de substituir essa frota de F-16 por uma frota moderna de aviões MiG (de fabricação russa), nós o faremos", ameaçou, conforme registro da agência France Presse reproduzido nos jornais brasileiros.....
(soweit ich das mitgekriegt habe, motzt Chavez über die Einmischung der USA beim Export von Embraer-Tucano Flugzeugen nach Venezuela und droht damit, die amerikanischen F-16 durch russische MiGs zu ersetzen ...)

ebenfalls neu (wer kann spanisch?):
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.tiwy.com/read.phtml?id=593">http://www.tiwy.com/read.phtml?id=593</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:14 de Enero del 2006
Venezuela analiza sustitución de F-16 por MIG rusos
Version para imprimir

Venezuela analiza la posibilidad de adquirir aviones rusos MIG para sustituir su flota de F-16 norteamericanos, ante las dificultades puestas por Estados Unidos para su mantenimiento, adelantó hoy el Presidente Hugo Chávez.
En un discurso con motivo del inicio del Año Académico de Educación Militar, Chávez denunció que Washington intenta bloquear la compra de aviones de entrenamiento Super Tucanos brasileños y el mantenimiento de los F-16.
Venezuela prüft die Möglichkeit, die nordamerikanischen F-16 durch russische MIGs zu ersetzen, bevor Schwierigkeiten mit der Wartung der US-Maschinen überhand nehmen ....und auch hier der Hinweis, dass Washington versucht, den Erwerb von Super Tucanus durch Venezuela zu blockieren

dazu gibts hier <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.watchingamerica.com/eluniversalvz000011.shtml">http://www.watchingamerica.com/eluniver ... 0011.shtml</a><!-- m --> wenigstens einen englischen Text
Zitat:January 14, 2006

Caracas: The president of the Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, today introduced new courses of study for the National Armed Forces in a speech to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, an occasion he used to assure us that we are in an era of "asymmetrical war or a war of resistance," and he once again accused the United States of "trying to deny the fact that ours is a modern armed force, because we are not dependent on them."

As an example of these "outrages," he pointed out the fact that the U.S. would not authorize the Brazilian company Embraer to build military aircraft for Venezuela, although Chavez assured Washington that the planes were for training purposes only, "because Embraer uses American technology." [ Allies Rebel Against U.S. Military Trade Restrictions.]

He indicated that the same thing happened with the [Venezuelan fleet of] F-16's, and that the U.S. "withheld better maintenance" and "delayed delivery of replacement parts" and that he has advised Washington that "if we have to replace that fleet of F-16's with a modern fleet of MIG planes, we will do it; nothing will impede us from our determination to have our own Armed Forces."

"We remain hopeful that very soon, Brazil will solve the (Embraer) problem, except that China is also building aircraft for training, fighting and bombing. It won't be long before rifles and Russians will begin to arrive" Chavez added.
edit: und noch eine englische Meldung dazu <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://newsfromrussia.com/world/2006/01/10/70981.html">http://newsfromrussia.com/world/2006/01/10/70981.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Venezuela may buy Russian or Chinese warplanes

23:55 2006-01-10
President Hugo Chavez said Tuesday that Venezuela would consider buying Russian-built MiG warplanes if the United States fails to honor a contract to supply his country with parts for its F-16 jets.

Chavez also accused Washington of blocking Venezuela's acquisition of Super Tucano military planes from Brazil because the jets are built with U.S. technology and suggested he could turn to China.
"We will have to wait to see if Brazil can resolve the problem. If not, well, they produce fighter jets and bombers in China too," he added.
und auch etwas Information von <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/20/AR2006012000629.html">http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 00629.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:The Petty Politics of Venezuela's Arms Purchases

By Marcela Sanchez
Special to washingtonpost.com
Friday, January 20, 2006; 9:53 AM

The White House has long been warning that the leftist government of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez represents a destabilizing force in Latin America.

....In the weeks ahead, it is expected that the U.S. will block Brazil's attempts to sell its Super Tucano aircraft to the Andean nation, again denying export licenses for U.S. components contained in the aircraft.
Spain and Brazil insist that the equipment they want to sell Venezuela would not destabilize the region. "We do not believe Venezuela represents a threat to anyone," said Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim last week.

Some military analysts agree with the Spanish and Brazilian assessments. "What's being procured right now isn't offensive," said Tom Baranauskas, a Latin America analyst for Forecast International Inc., a defense market-research firm. The mix of ships and air transport would give Venezuelans only the capability to respond to border infiltration, a real problem especially along its 1,400-mile border with Colombia. The small, turboprop Brazilian Super Tucano aircraft is useful to counter internal insurgencies, Baranauskas said, but not to launch an attack against another nation. ....
und <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/news/2006/01/mil-060120-voa04.htm">http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ ... -voa04.htm</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:US Concerned About Proposed Brazilian Aircraft Sale to Venezuela
By David Gollust
State Department
20 January 2006

The Bush administration said Friday it has expressed concern to Brazil about a proposed sale of Brazilian military aircraft to Venezuela. But it stopped short of saying it will block the transfer of the planes, which contain some U.S. technology.

Brazil is seeking to sell Venezuela a fleet of 20 Super Tucano light combat and reconnaissance aircraft made by the Brazilian manufacturer Embraer.

The United States would have to approve the $200 million deal, because the planes contain U.S. technology. The Bush administration has thus far not issued the required export licenses, prompting complaints from both Venezuela and Brazil.
Mr. Chavez said Tuesday he had sent a military procurement team to Moscow and that if Venezuela had to replace the F-16's with Russian MIG-fighter planes, it will.
nur zur Embraer Super Tucano - die vor 3 Jahren in Serienproduktion ging:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.caa.co.za/publications_files/CAA%20Media%20Scan/Feb2003/11.2.03.htm">http://www.caa.co.za/publications_files ... 1.2.03.htm</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Embraer has begun production of the turboprop trainer/light attack Super Tucano, and says that the innovative aircraft will be available for delivery to the international market beginning in December 2003.

The Brazilian air force has placed 76 firm orders and 23 options for the Super Tucano. First deliveries are in December 2003. Embraer has not disclosed the price of the aircraft beyond saying it would be competitive.

Embraer says the low-cost Super Tucano was designed for the Brazilian Amazon, and is an effective fighter for intercepting small aircraft, patrolling borders, arresting smugglers, fighting guerrillas and kidnappers, and neutralising small-scale insurgencies. These characteristics make it suitable for other countries, in Asia and elsewhere, that have similar operational needs.

Embraer did not specify its target markets, although it has already sold 10 of the aircraft to the Dominican Republic.

The Super Tucano has five external hard points that support a variety of weapons systems, and two internal points. Total ordnance payload is 1,550kg. It is the only turboprop aircraft that provides ballistic protection for pilots, and features a modern glass cockpit. Flying time is 6-7h, fully loaded, for the one-pilot version, which has more space for fuel than the two-pilot version. It can take off and land on unpaved airstrips carrying a full weapons capability, and is powered by a 1,600shp FADEC-controlled Pratt & Whitney PT6-68/3 turboprop engine.


Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Südamerikas Luftwaffen - von Erich - 16.05.2005, 17:52
RE: Südamerikas Luftwaffen - von voyageur - 27.12.2022, 14:52

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